Tuesday 4 February 2014

Procrastination doesn't live here....

Hi Everyone, welcome to my maiden post!
After what seems like eons and a half, I've begun my very own blog. I don't know anyone else who has struggled with procrastination like I have. I wouldn't call it laziness, but I certainly put it off a lot! Well, I've got great news! Procrastination doesn't live here no more! Moved out for good ( yes and amen)
I've loved writing since I was a little girl. I used books as my escape from reality for the longest time... I think to this day, i still do. There's just something so enthralling about an interesting read. I particularly get very attached to characters in a book. And if I don't like how the story ended, it stays with me for weeks while I make up an end for myself. I don't know, it must be the hopeful romantic in me. I grew up reading "Nancy Drew", all Enid Blyton's books, Charles Darwin, Ernest Hemmingway,  "Archie and Veronica" comics, and Macmillan books. My favorite books were written by Chinua Achebe, I enjoyed how he captured you from "Things fall apart", to " No longer at ease", to "Anthills of the Savannah" to "Man of the people", I treasured these books. Maybe that's why I excelled at Literature. I always knew I would grow up writing. Only, I didn't.
Yeah I wrote articles here and there... But nothing life altering. I remember the article I wrote for the now defunct "True Love" magazine. Seeing what I'd written in print gave me joy like no other! Life got in the way and writing took a back seat.  However, here I am. Back to my first love!

I write pretty much like I read. All pervading! Here, you'll get posts about a woman desperately in love with God,  a woman who recently discovered she doesn't just love eating desserts, but making them as well. A hopeful romantic who believes all good things will come at the right time! In friendship and in love... Also about the fashion and style I'm drawn to, even the academic in me will surface sometimes... Nothing will be spared. Perhaps parenting 101 too, and maybe Marriage 102..

My name is Maureen and I'm a recovering Procrastinator. *cue, Hi Mauryn*


  1. Congrats baby!!! Mega happy for you and confident this will be one interesting and inspiring blog - you've got me hooked! xxx

  2. Thanks my darling. Your support means everything!

  3. Whoooop! I love your ramblings! No1 Fan. Proud o' you. More grease.

  4. Finally!!! Welldone love... HOOKED!

  5. Yes yes yes! Its about that time. Super proud of you. Wow!

  6. About struggling with procrastination, girl, you can say that again. And when you finally take that long overdue action you begin to ask yourself "why didn't I start this all this time?" This is inspiring, I love your write-ups, keep it up dear.

  7. Aww Thank you Chidinma.
    Girls I'm thankful for your encouraging words.
