Wednesday 6 July 2016

A year and a baby!

The Lord has answered that which i asked of him.
It's a girl.....

Hi loves.

So Its been a year since I've posted anything here. Oh the shame. Well i have a pretty good excuse... i had a baby!!!!!OK and a lot more got in the way...However, i am back and better. I try not to promise much but i will make an exception here. I promise to do the following...

1) Post more frequently
2) Be more engaging
3) incorporate more pictures. You asked.. and i have listened.

Ok these three promises should suffice.

Happy 2nd half of 2016! What a year right? How has the year been so far? Meeting up with set goals? Keeping those resolutions? Are you changing anything about yourself...physically or mentally?
2016 has been a whirlwind of some sort for me. I cannot complain yet it has not been too fantastic either. I've never questioned myself as much as i have this year. This year i have decidedly taken steps to change my status quo. Slowly but surely. I didn't really have any written down goals for the year as the year started out somehow for me. However, i know that the man who fails to plan, plans to fail.. so lets go get it.
If there is anything i have learnt this year, it is that Life is for the living, and you can always always go back and start again. As long as you have breath, your purpose here isn't finished. That is my firm belief. I have become such a purpose driven woman... i live, breathe, sleep, think and speak my purpose everyday. Just to remind myself that even when it seems i am off course, God still has a plan for my life. Please believe this for yourself too. See you soon lovies  xo.

"It is when you finally learn that your fears are all in your mind that your real life begins..."

- Brian Tracy


  1. Each time I read your post it's like I can hear it in your voice. Welcome back. Looking Forward to more...

    1. Hahaha. Thanks Charlene. Im looking forward to more as well.
